Zmanim Shabbos Mevarchim/Parshas Acharei Mos כ"ח ניסן תשע"ו Mincha- 6:45pm Candles not before/after 7:00pm / 8:11pm Shkiah- 8:29pm Sefiras haomer (14) and Kerias shema should be after 9:19pm Chumash Shiur by the Rov at 8:10am Shachris- 8:30am Shiur in Mishne Berura after davening Shiur on Meseches Shabbos after Kiddush 1st Mincha - 6:00pm Shiur by the Rov after 1st Mincha on Pirkei Avos 2nd Mincha - 8:00pm Mariv 50/72- 9:20pm / 9:42pm Motzei Shabbos - Rosh Chodesh Ya'aleh V'yavoh and Sefiras haomer (15) Kiddush is cosponsored by Lefkowitz and Kaye families Kaye sponsorship is l'ulei nishmas muriel bracha bas leibel. Lefkowitz sponsorship is l'ulei nishmas Noach ben Avraham and Sarah Faygie ben Yosef Ahron Suedas Shlishis sponsorship is available. Thank you to Rabbi Doniel Gross on making a siyum for bechorim Erev Pesach Thank you to Clements family on their dedication of the neilas hachag Thank you to the other members of the Khal who made Pesach so special Weekly Shiurim @ 4458 Groveland Mincha/Mariv nightly 12 minutes before Shkiah followed by the Daf Chabura and the Rov's Mishne Berurah Shiur Sunday morning 830am Davening Sunday morning 930am- Business Halacha seder and Shiur Sunday night 750pm- Women's Shiur on Tefilla at The Diamonds Sunday night 845pm- Rov's weekly Halacha Shiur Thursday night 845pm- Rov's weekly Chovos Halevovos Shiur Donations Good Shabbos! |