Zmanim Parshas Emor Mincha- 655 Candles not before/after- 711/825 Shkiah- 843 Count Sefira after 921pm- Day 28 Chumash Shiur by the Rov at 810am Shachris- 825 Shiur in Mishne Berura siman 301:32-33 after davening 1st Mincha- 600 After 1st Mincha- Chabura led by the Rov on the topic of Sefiras Haomer 2nd Mincha- 812 Mariv 50/72- 934/956 Count Sefira after 922- Day 29 Sunday is Pesach Sheini. No Tachanun. Thursday is Lag B'omer. No Tachanun. Haircuts and music are permitted beginning Thursday morning. Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Daniel and Alex Fleksher on the bar mitzvah of their son Levi. The Kehilla is invited to a kiddush in the Young Israel lower level at 11am. May they have nachas from all of their children! Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Josh Grodko on the ocassion of the Piyon Haben of their son Avrohom Yoseph. May they be zoche l'gadlo l'Torah, l'chupah, ul'maissim tovim! Women's Pirkei Avos Learning Group The women of the community are invited to join a Pirkei Avos learning group, facilitated by Rebbitzin Spitz on Shabbos. The learning group will conclude with a short Hilchos Shabbos Shiur by Rav Shmuel Spitz. Where: Yavne in the classroom on the main floor near the stairs When: 5-545pm Who: All women of the community First Women's Auxiliary Meeting of Nshe KBT Please join us for our first annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of B'nai Torah. We encourage everyone to attend! We would like your input and ideas concerning the growth of our Shul, Our Children, Programs, Events and Shiurim! The meeting will be held this Sunday, May 22nd, 10 am - 11am, at the Lefkowitz Home, 4419 Churchill Blvd. Bring your children along to enjoy an Uncle Moishy movie or jump on the trampoline while we conduct our meeting. Please text Rebbitzen Sara Spitz at 216-409-9456 if you can attend. Hope to see you there! Telshe Dinner on Sunday The 74th annual Telshe Yeshiva Dinner is this Sunday at Landerhaven, 6111 Landerhaven Dr., Mayfield Heights. The reception begins at 530pm. Weekly Shiurim @ Bais Yeshaya Mendel Mincha/Mariv nightly 12 minutes before Shkiah followed by the Daf Chabura Sunday-Wednesday after Mariv- Rov's Halacha Shiur Sunday morning Shachris- 8am- no Shiur after davening Sunday night 750pm- Women's Shiur on Tefilla at The Diamonds Thursday night 845pm- Rov's weekly Chovos Halevovos Shiur Donations Good Shabbos! |