Zmanim Parshas Bechukosai Mincha- 706 Candles not before/after- 721/837 Shkiah- 855 Sefiras Haomer after 937pm Day 42 Chumash Shiur by the Rov at 810am Shachris- 825 Shiur in Mishne Berura after davening 1st Mincha- 600 Shiur Iyun by the Rov after 1st Mincha on "Practical Halacha for Shavuous" Shiur on Pirkei Avos by R' GN Spero at 740 2nd Mincha- 823 Mariv 50/72- 946/1007 Sefiras Haomer after 939pm Day 43 Kiddush @ Mazel Tov! A deluxe kiddush is sponsored by Dr. Shlomo Koyfman in honor of those who completed Seder Nashim in the Daf Yomi!! May they continue to grow in Torah, Midos and Yiras Shomayim and may they be zocheh to finish many more Sedarim! Suedas Shlishis sponsorship is available. Mazel Tov and Shalom Zachor Mazal Tov to Moshe and Adina Ornstein and family on the birth of a baby boy on Monday! Shalom Zachor will be this Friday night at 9:15 pm at their home, 23805 Woodway. May they be zoche l'gadlo l'Torah, l'chupah, ul'massim tovim! If you are able to help with a meal, please use the following link: Rebbetzin Holly Pavlov- THIS SHABBOS Nshei Khal Bnai Torah invites the community to a special Shabbos Shiur by Rebbetzin Pavlov, on Shabbos June 4th at 430pm in the Yavne lower level on the topic of "Yearning for a life of Truth." Please see the flyer below. Nshei KBT Teleconference on Tuesday 930pm The Rebbetzin will be hosting a teleconference on Tuesday at 930pm for the women of the community on the topic of "Women and Shavuous." All are welcome to join! Dial-in #- 319-527-9020 Access Code- 958040# Weekly Shiurim @ 4458 Groveland Mincha/Mariv nightly 12 minutes before Shkiah followed by the Daf Chabura (Baba Kama begins Wed night) and the Rov's Mishne Berurah Shiur Sunday morning 8am Shachris followed by a seder at 930am- Business Halacha- Onnah (overcharging) Sunday night 750pm- Women's Shiur on Tefilla at The Diamonds Sunday night 845pm- Rov's weekly Halacha Shiur Thursday night 845pm- Rov's weekly Chovos Halevovos Shiur Donations Good Shabbos! |