Zmanim Parshas Tazroa/Hachodes and Rosh Chodesh Nissan
Mincha- 625
Candles not before/after- 638/741 Shkiah- 759 Chumash Shiur by the Rov at 810
Shachris- 830 Shiur in Mishne Berura after davening 1st Mincha- 600 Shiur by the Rov after 1st Mincha 2nd Mincha- 735
Mariv 50/72- 850/912 **Mussaf Note- In Mussaf Shabbos/Rosh Chodesh, do NOT say "lchaporas pesha." Room Setup We will need to set up the Shul before Mincha today. If you are able to come to shul a few minutes early to help setup, it would be appreciated. Mazel Tov's, Shalom Zachor and Kiddush Mazel Tov to R' Avrom Adler and family on the marriage of their daughter Dina. May the couple be zocheh to build a bayis ne'eman b'Yisroel! The Adlers wil be sponsoring a deluxe kiddush as a Suedas Hoda'ah. The Kiddush will take place at Young Israel in the 3rd floor beis midrash. Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Amir Jaffa on the birth of a grandson to their children, Mr. EB and Shani Schabes. May they see nachas from all of their children! There will be a Shalom Zachor at the home of the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mendy and Ita Klein @ 23453 Timberlane Dr. Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Allison Pasternak on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Bailey. May they see much nachas from Bailey!
Weekly Shiurim @ 4458 Groveland
Sunday-Thursday- Mincha/Mariv 12 minutes before Shkiah followed by the Daf Chabura and the Rov's Mishne Berurah Shiur Sunday morning 930am- Business Halacha seder and Shiur Sunday night 750pm- Women's Shiur on Tefilla at The Diamonds Sunday night 845pm- Rov's weekly Halacha Shiur Thursday night 845pm- Rov's weekly Chovos Halevovos Shiur
Good Shabbos!