Zmanim Candles/Mincha- 5:28pm Shkiah- 5:46pm No Shiur by the Rov this Shabbos before Shachris or Mincha Shachris (Shabbos Mevorchim) - 8:30am Shiur in Mishne Berura after davening Mincha- 5:20pm Mariv 50/72- 6:38pm/7:00pm Mazel Tov to the Rov and Rebbetzin on the birth of a baby boy!!! May they be zocheh l'gadlo l'Torah, l'Chupah U'lmassim Tovim!! Shalom Zochor Friday night 8:00pm - 10:00pm at the Rov's house 2414 South Green Road, Men and Women. Kiddush and Suedas Shlishis sponsorship is available. Weekly Shiurim @ 4458 Groveland Mariv nightly at 8:30pm followed by the Daf Chabura and the Rov's Mishne Berurah Shiur No Sunday morning or Sunday night Shiur this week Thursday night 8:45pm- Rov's weekly Chovos Halevovos Shiur Donations Good Shabbos! |