Friday, August 28, 2015

Re: KBT Membership Form & Yomim Noraim Seating

On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 11:51 AM, Bnai Torah <> wrote:
If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out in Google Forms.

KBT Membership Form 5776

Please complete Membership form below. When you are complete, click submit.

If you plan to daven with us over Yomim Noraim, please complete the seating section at the end of the form and make your payment. The DEADLINE to reserve and pay for your regular (or prior year) seats is September 10th. If you would like to be moved to a different seat, please contact Dovid Malcmacher ( or Kostia Feldman (

If you've filled this form out in the past, please only complete the required fields.

Payment should be made using Paypal or by sending a check to:

Kehillas Bnai Torah
c/o Joe Krash
25600 Solon Rd
Bedford Hts, OH 44146

Contact Charlie Beer with any questions

Thank you.

* Required


    Membership dues should be paid using Paypal. Please use the link included in this email. Checks can be mailed to: Kehillas Bnai Torah c/o Joe Krash 25600 Solon Rd Bedford Hts, OH 44146.

    Yomim Noraim Seats

    Member: $50 for each seat $150 family max. Non-Member: $100 per seat.
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KBT Membership Form & Yomim Noraim Seating

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out in Google Forms.

KBT Membership Form 5776

Please complete Membership form below. When you are complete, click submit.

If you plan to daven with us over Yomim Noraim, please complete the seating section at the end of the form and make your payment. The DEADLINE to reserve and pay for your regular (or prior year) seats is September 10th. If you would like to be moved to a different seat, please contact Dovid Malcmacher ( or Kostia Feldman (

If you've filled this form out in the past, please only complete the required fields.

Payment should be made using Paypal or by sending a check to:

Kehillas Bnai Torah
c/o Joe Krash
25600 Solon Rd
Bedford Hts, OH 44146

Contact Charlie Beer with any questions

Thank you.

* Required


    Membership dues should be paid using Paypal. Please use the link included in this email. Checks can be mailed to: Kehillas Bnai Torah c/o Joe Krash 25600 Solon Rd Bedford Hts, OH 44146.

    Yomim Noraim Seats

    Member: $50 for each seat $150 family max. Non-Member: $100 per seat.
    Never submit passwords through Google Forms.
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Google Forms
This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.
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KBT Weekly Email- Parshas Ki Setzei

Candles not before/after- 643/747
Mincha- 628
Shkiah- 805
Oneg at the Home of Danny Gottesman 2400 Buckhurst (west corner of Buckhurst and Timberlane)- 900
Shachris- 830
Shiur by R' Perlstein after Kiddush
Women's Shiur by R' Perlstein at the home of Mrs. Ruchi Koval 4404 Churchill Blvd.- 500
1st Mincha- 600
Shiur by R' Perlstein- 650
2nd Mincha- 735
Mariv 50/72- 854/916

Welcome Back
The Kehilla would like to welcome R' Perlstein back to town.  We look forward to spending an exciting Shabbos together.

Sunday Morning Seder and Shiur
The Kehilla will be hosting a Seder Limud on Sunday morning followed by a Shiur by R' Perlstein @ 2510 Blossom Ln (use the garage entrance and go to the basement).The Seder begins at 930 followed by a Shiur at 1015.

Mazel Tov and Shalom Zachor
Mazel Tov to the Koyfman family on the birth of a baby boy!  May they see nachas from all of their children! The Shalom Zachor will be at 9pm at their home, 2424 Beachwood Blvd.

Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov to the Diamond family on the engagement of their son Boruch! May they see nachas from all of their children!

Please Click Here to make a donation or to pay any outstanding bills.  

Good Shabbos

Thursday, August 20, 2015

KBT Weekly Email - Shoftim

Candles not before/after-  652/758
Mincha- 637
Shkiah- 816
Shachris- 830
1st Mincha- 600
R' Spero's Shiur- 710
2nd Mincha- 750
Mariv 50/72- 905/927

Kiddush and Suedas Shlishis sponsorship is still available.

Please Click Here to make a donation or to pay any outstanding bills.  

Good Shabbos