Friday, April 30, 2010

zmanim calendar

We thank one of our members for taking the time to type out a complete calendar of all the zmanim for the next few months. Please print it out and hang it on your fridge or cabinet door.

Mincha today is at 6:41.

Thank you all for your brochos, well-wishes and assistance.

There will be a shalom zochar this evening at my house.

Yasherkoach and good Shabbos.

Avrom Adler

Friday, April 23, 2010


Minchah - 6:35 (Plag - 6:50)
Hadlakas Neiros not before 6:50 - not later than 7:57
Kerias Shema and Sefirah after 9:05
Shacharis - 8:15
Minchah - 7:40
Maariv - 9:06

Avrom Adler

Friday, April 16, 2010

Zmanim and Mazel Tov

Minchah - 6:26 (Plag - 6:44)
Hadlakas Neiros not before 6:44 - not later than 7:49
Kerias Shema and Sefirah after 8:57
Shacharis - 8:15
Minchah - 7:35
Maariv - 8:59

The Shul would like to extend a most heartfelt mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Simcha Schlanger on the birth of a baby girl this week. They named her yesterday - Chana Baila. May they have much nachas from her and from the rest of their family.

Avrom Adler

Thursday, April 8, 2010

zmanim Shmini ("shlissel" challah week)

Welcome back!
Minchah - 6:22 (Plag - 6:39)
Hadlakas Neiros not before 6:39 - not later than 7:41
Kerias Shema and Sefirah after 8:49
Shacharis - 8:15
Minchah - 7:25
Maariv - 8:51
Shlissel Challah available for Shabbos (drop off your key)

Avrom Adler