Shachris- 830 Shiur in Mishne Berura after davening Shiur 45 minutes before Mincha
Mincha- 4435
Mariv 50/72-552/614
Friday before 6pm is the last time to say Kiddush Levana with a bracha.
Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Shea Roth and family on the bar mitzvah of their son Tzali. May they see nachas from all of their children! The Kehilla is invited to a kiddush at Young Israel after davening.
Shiurim during the week
Sunday morning the Rov is continuing Business Halacha. There will be a seder limud from 930-1030 followed by a shiur ona topic in Choshen Mishpat @ 4458 Groveland.
Sunday night there will be Mariv at 830 followed by the Rov's weekly Halacha Shiur @ 4458 Groveland. Thursday night mariv at 830, followed by the Rov's weekly Chovos Halevovos Shiur.
Kashrus Alert- Produce from Israel It has come to the Rov's attention that there has been produce from Israel in some of the local stores. If one is able to determine that the produce is from Israel, it should not be purchased. If you cannot determine where the produce is from, it may be purchased.
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