Shachris- 830 Shiur in Mishne Berura by HaRav Spitz after davening Shiur by HaRav Spitz 30 minutes before Mincha- See details below
Mincha- 435
Mariv 50/72- 552/614
Mazel Tov's & Kiddush! Mazel Tov to Dr. Moshe Diamond and family on the marriage of Boruch Mordechai! May they see nachas from their entire family. Mazel Tov to Dr. Charlie & Lisa Beer on their son Gavri's upsherin! May they see nachas from all of their children. The Kehilla is invited to a kiddush after davening co-sponsored by the Diamond's and the Beer's.
Shiur before Mincha The Rov's Shiur before mincha will be on the topic of the laws of marriage in honor of the Diamond family simcha. Please see below for an outline of the shiur. שיעור לפני מנחה לכבוד שמחת הנישואין שיעור בהלכות נישואין ויצא כט,כו צעירה לפני בחירה תוס' קידושין דף נב ד'ה והלכתא רשב'ם ב'ב דף קכ ד'ה להלן ש'ך יו'ד סי' רמ'ד ס'ק י'ג אגרות משה חלק אבן העזר ח'ב סי' א
Suedas Shlishis is sponsored by Hershel Fantl on the occasion of a yahrtzeit. May the neshama have an aliya.
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